How To Recover From Emotional Trauma
The important thing to know is that recovering from emotional trauma is possible, and throughout this article, we will discuss ways to help with the recovery process.
How To Help Someone When They Have PTSD
You may be asking if there is anything that you can do to support a loved one with PTSD, and the answer is yes, there is. Use this article as a guide on how to help someone with PTSD.
How Can Therapy Help with the Coming Out Process
There’s no one right way to come out. It’s a process that's different for everyone and based on a multitude of factors. Because this can be a confusing and complex time, when preparing to come out to your family, friends, and those closest to you, you might consider talking to a therapist first.
How Does EMDR Work?
This evidence-based treatment method has been proven dramatically effective for reducing the emotional charge of past traumatic events.