If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me by using the contact form below.

1570 Fishinger Road
Columbus, OH 43221
(614) 859-5994

Driving directions


From the north:

  1. Take 315 South to Ackerman Road (Exit 5).

  2. Turn right onto Ackerman Road.  

  3. Turn right onto Kenny Road in about one-third of a mile.  

  4. Turn left onto Fishinger Road in about a half-mile.

  5. In about one mile, the office buildings will be on your right off of Ackerman.  Wach for the “1750” sign and the number on the correct office building.    


From the south:

  1. Take 315 north to Akerman Road (Exit 5)

  2. Turn left on Ackerman Road.

  3. In about one-third of a mile, turn right onto Kenny Road.

  4. Turn left onto Fishinger Road in about in about a half mile.  

  5. In about one mile the office buildings will be on your right off of Ackerman.  Watch for the “1750” sign on the road and the number on the office building.